David E. Johnson, PhD
Invent Scholar at Seattle Children’s Research Institute
Postdoctoral Researcher
Research Staff
David E. Johnson, PhD, graduated from Brown University in 2016 with a Sc.B in Neuroscience. Thereafter he attainted his doctorate from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory School of Biological Sciences in 2022 where he utilized CRISPR based technology to elucidate and study novel therapeutics targets to treat glioblastoma.
Currently, Dr. Johnson is an Invent at Seattle Children’s Postdoctoral Scholar where his training experience spans: (1) identifying and utilizing novel technology to better understand the basic biology of neuroblastoma with a therapeutic frame work in mind under the guidance of Dr. Siobhan Pattwell at SCRI and (2) currently within the CVI, being trained on the pipeline to develop cancer vaccines. In the future, Dr. Johnson aims to manage his own team of scientist in an industry setting with a focus in cancer biology with a therapeutic framework in mind.
In another life, Dr. Johnson believes if science and research were not his calling, he would be diving into the arts and becoming a comedic writer/actor with a potential side gig as a DJ.