Breast Cancer Alliance, a longtime supporter of breast cancer research at the Cancer Vaccine Institute, is celebrating its 25th anniversary by bringing together influential individuals from the media, medical, and entertainment fields who have been impacted by or have had an impact on breast cancer. Called the “Sterling Club,” this group honors the unique attributes and contributions of those involved. We’re excited to announce that the CVI’s Dr. Nora Disis will be one of the inaugural members of this prestigious club! Dr. Disis is a recipient of the BCA’s Exceptional Project Grant. This grant allowed the CVI to add another arm to a clinical trial for STEMVAC, our 5-antigen breast cancer vaccine.
Yonni Wattenmaker, BCA Executive Director, explains, "Each of these individuals has already enhanced the work of Breast Cancer Alliance in one way or another, and has done so much to communicate information, conduct research or treat patients faced with breast cancer. We are incredibly proud to have them involved with our organization.” The full list of Sterling Club members includes:
Dr. Nora Disis, breast cancer survivor, Director, Cancer Vaccine Institute, University of Washington, Seattle and BCA Exceptional Project Grant recipient
Dr. Steve Lo, Oncologist, Stamford Hospital and BCA Medical Advisory Board Chair
Joan Lunden, breast cancer survivor, Host of PBS Second Opinion with Joan Lunden, Author, and Professor of Population Health at Lehigh University
Andrea Mitchell, breast cancer survivor, journalist, anchor and NBC News commentator
Ali Rogin, breast cancer previvor, Foreign Affairs Producer at PBS NewsHour and author, Beat Breast Cancer Like a Boss: 30 Powerful Stories
Anne Thompson, breast cancer survivor, Chief Environmental Affairs Correspondent, NBC News
Katie Wee, breast cancer previvor, actress and yoga instructor
Judy Woodruff, Anchor and Managing Editor, PBS NewsHour
Melanie Young, breast cancer survivor, podcast host, creator of The Connected Table, and author, Fearless Fabulous You and Getting Things Off My Chest
“Breast Cancer Alliance is an incredible grass roots organization that is jumpstarting innovative research aimed at ending breast cancer in our lifetime. I’m so proud to be a part of their Sterling Club and their mission to end this epidemic disease.” said Nora Disis, MD
We’re incredibly honored to have Dr. Disis recognized by Breast Cancer Alliance and are grateful for their support of breast cancer research.