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Cancer Vaccine Institute News

May 27, 2021
Meet Kim P. - CVI Trial Participant
Kim was diagnosed with stage IIIC ovarian cancer on September 28, 2009. She had experienced some of the classic symptoms of ovarian...

Kiran Dhillon
May 27, 2021
Meet Kim, a CVI Champion
Kim C. participated in one of our clinical trials in 2005. We are so grateful for Kim and all of our patient volunteers! Their...

Liliana Gutierrez
May 2, 2021
CVI research continues full steam ahead during the pandemic
What happens to cancer research in a pandemic? We know that cancer does not slow its roll in a pandemic so the CVI adapted quickly

Liliana Gutierrez
Feb 16, 2017
Dr. Disis voted one of Seattle's Top Doctors in 2017
Dr. Disis voted one of Seattle's top doctors for 2017 in Seattle Magazine! (Feb 2017)

Liliana Gutierrez
Nov 16, 2016
Importance of Research
Rivkin Center shares the importance of research for ovarian cancer, featuring Dr. Nora Disis. (Nov 2016)
Blog: Blog2
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